toward a better rape graphic, pt. 3

After combing through Enliven’s listed sources for the disputed infographic, I realized that Enliven’s graphic is partly a re-hashing of this one made by the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN):

rainn image

You’ll notice two things about this graphic. First, the language is slightly more precise: “get prosecuted” tells you a little more than “faced trial,” which was Enliven’s term. Second, it’s footnoted. If you follow the link above, you’ll see that RAINN provides sources for its numbers. The footnoting isn’t perfect — there are no page numbers, so the user has to comb through giant studies and reports to verify RAINN’s claims, and the figure for rapists who spend “a single day in prison” has no citation. And this graphic still doesn’t account for the variety of things that make rape complicated, like varying state law definitions and the role of mental illness.

Still, this is better.

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